Friday, August 17, 2012

There have been many improvements in my life over the past few years because of my dedication. Of course there are still problems. Anyone who knows my original issues could have guessed that there still might remain some shit that needs to be dealt with in some manner, but I am doing well in my assessment of where I am because my assessment always asks about failures, stagnations AND improvements. I refuse to ignore overall improvements, even when the immediate moment feels like shit.

My improvements over the last few years are these:

1. I ditched a prescription drug addiction that was aimed at a so-called 'disease' that doesn't even exist.

2. I have decided that I will not allow anyone to tell me that my feelings about trauma are a disease. NAMI and NIMH can kiss my ass. I wonder how they would respond if Big Pharma suddenly cut them off. My guess it that they would look to folks like me for advice on how to support themselves independently. And no, I would not help them. I do not contribute to evil.

3. I have learned to let go of harmful people and habits even if that means I must mourn the loss of what I hoped they could be for me. The sun will still rise and so will I.

4. Que sera sera, yadda yadda, etc... and I don't give a rat's ass. In spite of the August problem of the burning privates, I tended to it kindly today and then spent the rest of the day doing paperwork and the evening doing school shopping. I'm the energizer bunny. I keep going and going and going. But ONLY because I STILL refuse to lie. If you need me to lie, you can line up at my door with the masses (who are just like you). I may or may not (probably not) get spare time enough to stick out my ass so you can kiss it.

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