Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I still don't know why I continue to blog, but since I do continue for now, I will say this: Maybe it is more constructive to confide in the therapist in the middle of a very embarrassing sort of crisis than it would be to hide it from him. I have confided now and so we will see what develops.

I don't imagine I will still post here for much longer. I know I think differently from my supposed 'fellows', who are brainwashed by NIMH and other such druggie drones. Nor do I cotton to the 'mindfulness' (mindlessess) a-holes. I have come too far away from these sorts of things for such contact to help me. I have even quit smoking cigarettes without gaining weight or adopting any substitutions. These are the reasons I don't post much anymore. I know what the mainstream is and things are just too different for me now and I know almost no one would understand.


  1. Different is refreshing. I am sure there are many who would understand and appreciate your voice.

  2. Well done for quitting the fags! That's tough. I haven't had one now for 21 months. I feel cleaner if that makes sense.

  3. I like when people blog ... when writing and reading blogs I feel most connected to the safer life within my head - while still venturing out. We hope you go in that direction ... though respect your choices made.

    Always our best,

  4. Eh? I have no idea about all that brainwash thing you mention. And yes, I started to smoke again. Anyway, I'll keep dropping in here, you write or not.

  5. I am thrilled you found a therapist you can trust and actually confide in.
    I wish I believed they really "existed". Perhaps the air is just too thin where I live. Whether you blog, or not, I will always always always admire your courage and strength- for it is like none other.
    My heart- g

  6. Floppy ears is doing well, though his fur is taking ages to grow back.
