Sunday, July 31, 2011

I have not smoked a cigarette in almost 24 hours. I'm done with that garbage and now I know how much I deserve something better. I have come to collect my something better and I REFUSE to fail to receive it. This was my attitude all day Saturday. Did my attitude provide the lucky thing that happened later? I think not. I think it only helped indirectly because it helped me refrain from smoking and not smoking is much more likely to have helped me than was any particular frame of mind (and tobacco is of the nightshade family -- a known inflammatory agent which can certainly help maintain a cyst). In any case, I just loaded the dishwasher and I got pissed off when things didn't fit quite right, so I slammed that fucker shut in a snit. And then I felt a pain in my wrist only to look at it and discover that the ganglion cyst on my wrist, which had tormented me for more than a year, had finally ruptured. I am very happy right now. Very, very happy. And yes, I have compressed the area in case I am still leaking synovial fluid from the joint. I WILL NOT allow the cyst to re-establish itself. I am done with that kind of stupid shit, too. I will eradicate all of such things and I will be nearly merciless in doing so. I am in charge here and I don't care who else likes it. They don't have to like it, we only have to find ways to get along that do not harm the body. And that is all. Goodnight.


  1. Congrats on the no smoking. Tough. But try and keep going. I am 7 months smoke free now. It's worth it.

  2. I hate it when shit doesnt fit right in the dishwasher! Congrats on the not smoking and yay on the cyst! And me and Rambo are headed to the bone marrow unit to kick cancers ass too!
