2. I went to therapy tonight. The screaming, sobbing, air-sucking girl was gone. She began to disappear by Sunday night or so and was pretty much gone by Monday. I don't know where she went. I don't even know who I am exactly right now, but at least *I* (whoever THAT is) am still here, right? I guess it is good that I am here, even though I have accomplished pretty much nothing since the build-up to the flashback. Things are pretty disorganized here. I have always paid my current therapist in cash, but tonight was different. Right after I explained to him how frustrated I am that my desk is piling up and I haven't balanced my checkbook, I told him that I needed to write him a check. :-) At least we had a good laugh. I love people who have a good sense of humor. No worries, babes. I have free automatic overdraft protection wherein funds are automatically sucked out of my savings account when I morph into a child or a moron. Though I don't think things are quite THAT disorganized -- I hope not anyway.
3. I am still having nightmares. Old Guy was in the last one. I was sitting on a cluttered sofa on a sound stage when he appeared and coldly asked me to move because he was doing a talk show from there and I guess I was trespassing on his set. In the dream right before that one, I was pregnant and I was at an ice cream counter wanting to order a milkshake. The man behind the counter waited on everyone else and just ignored me. Then he closed his shop for the night with me still inside and I just sat there waiting for morning and hoping that he would let me buy a milkshake when the shop opened. (Old Guy -- I know it's Old Guy.)
4. The air conditioner went out yesterday and it sucked. It's fixed now, but it was 88 degrees in here at one point. I went to Lowe's and bought some fans. I asked for an electrical outlet to test the display models before buying. I was delighted when I noticed that my choice of 'best fans for the money' were all made in the U.S.A. by the Lasko company. I think the box fans will prove to be sturdier than the stand type, but both seem like quality products. Those fans will save me money later in the year and I hope I helped an American worker continue to meet his or her obligations so my husband and I can continue to meet ours. We have to feed one another and sometimes it gets quite local in certain circumstances.
5. Last Wednesday my daughter A was bored at home when her sisters both had fun activities that were just not her thing. Then the hub and I both received packages in the mail and she said, "I want to get a package. I never get any packages." She looked so sad when she said that. She got a package today. A pretty little trinket from her mommy. :-) But then J and S looked sad when their sister got a package and they didn't and I can't have that, so... they are getting packages, too. :-) I ordered them tonight (thank you my fellow American workers for continuing to pay your rent and for continuing to buy my husband's merchandise). Babies like little trinkets once in a while and even cheap mommies like to give them.
6. Last, but not least, if your income mostly depends on your local economy, consider keeping an eye out for opportunities to reciprocate to your countrymen so they may continue to support you as well. If you are an American, I leave you with this:

I'm reading. What you have to say helps me sort through some of my stuff. Sometimes I have no clue what's going on and then I'll read something here and then the light goes on. Nightmares suck. I could do with some of the hot weather, it's freezing here.
ReplyDeleteI ead...i can't always comment (I know you get that) but I read. Thanks for the laugh about the checkbook!
ReplyDeleteIt's hot as hell here too...hell...feels like hell too - so that's good. but it's a *dry* heat (what's that about?) it's still hot!
Made in the good ole' us-of a, eh? We had a good laugh about that about a month ago - the hus was out on the garage and found a shower curtain rod that was still wrapped...that he (the hoarder in the fam) had saved from some neighborhood garage sale like a bajillion years ago and it was made in teh usa. I'm gussing it was at least 15 years old! Came in handy for his basement shower!
Love u, girl!
Happy to see you tonight...and to be able to comment.
I read too.