I got pretty much nothing accomplished again today. But I DID make a decision. We are going on vacation in August and I have begun to plan it out. The first thing I though of was Chuck Norris (my two doggies named Chuck and Norris). I don't really want them in some germy kennel with strangers and I don't want a pet-sitter in my house. Their former human companions offered, right in the contract we signed last September when we bought them, to provide free boarding for one year. So the hub called them. They are THRILLED and totally willing to take care of our lovelies while we are gone. This is wonderful because I know they will be really good to our boys and I know that they love them. AND -- our furry friends will get a little reunion with their former family. We don't EVER want to lose contact with that original family and we will always keep our doors open in love for them. I see they feel the same way about us for these precious doggies. That makes me happy. So happy. It makes me breathe a sigh of relief and gives me more mental and emotional energy with which to kick anxiety's ass and go on vacation.
I have made some accommodations for my problems, but that is all. The vacation will be only four days and we are not leaving the state. But... it won't be boring. I have located the perfect hotel in Key West and it will pamper me and soothe me. Waterfront building, a two-bedroom suite overlooking the gardens, all amenities, beautiful grounds, etc. Worst case scenario is that I can't leave the hotel and end up trapped in the lap of luxury in the middle of paradise. Somehow I think I might have a hard time counting that as a loss if it happens. :-)
I know I will think of Chuck Norris and how they are being loved on by their former family. And it will warm my heart and give me courage. Because love is good. It might be the only thing that can really put the real smackdown on severe anxiety issues. At least that has been MY experience. Love kicks ass.

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