Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday and Wednesday Night's 'Therapy'

1. After I forced myself to do the banking, which was abbreviated and somewhat foiled because I have misplaced my driver's license somewhere amid my personal chaos, I spoke to a nice friend about how to show a mutual friend how much we love her and want to care for her. I am excited about this. I want to give and show the enormity of the love I feel inside for my friend.

2. I baked a homemade cake from scratch to surprise my children for dessert after Thursday night's dinner, which is already in the slow-cooker. It is a pork roast with whole yellow squash and fresh, delicious green beans. I hope my family will really enjoy it.

3. I guess that is all for right now, but these are very important things to me.


  1. It all sounds good to me!


  2. Good for you!! That sounds lovely - especially the pork roast! ;)

  3. All sounds good to me. Good luck finding your license.

  4. Well, if I'd been a touch earlier I could have come for dinner. Days like this sure make a difference in our chaotic lives, don't they? Hope you find your license, knowing how important it is to do banking, write checks at the grocery store, buy a good beer, and, well, drive. ;-)

