Sunday, January 9, 2011

My period. It can bring stability crashing down and take away all comfort. Physical pain can do that. I think there are times when I am more sensitive to physical things. I once caught pneumonia and somehow didn't notice it until it was so serious that I could not even sit up in bed. I have been able to ignore the pain of broken and dislocated toes. I once (don't know how) ignored a UTI until my kidneys were bleeding and another time until I was peeing clumps of puss. I have soldiered through several physical things without even using pain killers. I even did it with a migraine once (though I was frozen in place just trying not to puke until it was gone). I have given birth three times with no anesthesia. And yet I can't deal with my period. (I still don't use pain killers, it's just that I can't ignore it.) So I just try not to be sucked down into a rabbit hole. And I try very hard not to moan out loud in front of anyone. But my period makes me feel like someone is trying to drive a Buick through my abdomen. And it reminds me. And makes me want to kill people. But I can't because I can barely get up. (And yes, I've seen many doctors about this over the years and had every test known to man and there is no physical cause. Not even so much as a cyst or a fibroid. But I hurt. I hurt. I hurt so bad.)