Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm making a post early tonight so I can't use this place later as a way to procrastinate. That is what I'm up to right now. I am on a mission to end procrastination. So if you see me hanging around, tell me to carry my ass on home and do something about my office. It looks like a tornado hit it. I'm headed in there now. I hope to not be eaten by the rubble. If you don't hear from me in three or four days, call FEMA.


  1. You're going to laugh... I found a way to work on the office and stay away from my horrific desk at the same time. There was an overflowing hamper in there, so I started with that. Hopefully I won't get carried away with more things that are not my desk, which is where the real mess is. Leave it to me to find a way to work on something and procrastinate it at the same time. Multi-tasking at its finest. Jesus H. I'm hopeless.

  2. You are so funny, but speak the truth. I need to clean my computer desk so badly, but just can't seem to get it done. Hanging there with you!

  3. "Do something about your office!"

  4. youre not hopeless - you're a damn genius! and dont forget it!
