Sunday, July 18, 2010

Waaaaaay too much TMI

This is how I look at 5 in the morning, a bit drunk, smoking cigarettes in my garage, without a stitch of cosmetic assistance, right after having cut my own hair. I dunno. Looks okay to me (it's not crooked, I was tilted). At least I don't have frazzled hair-ends anymore and I don't have to anticipate the torment of some hairdresser hovering over me until I want to scream. I can't even explain what that does to me. This here is good enough. Though I like good hair, I am not hopelessly picky.


  1. It might be that I could use a shampoo? Maybe. We'll see.

  2. That's pretty darn good for 5am. You would never want to see me at that time of day.

  3. I agree with Harriet. It is almost 6 am and my hair is sticking out all over the place...I have long and short pieces in my hair...sort of a cross between Alalfa and Woodstock is my look right now.

    take care,

  4. Looks like you did a nice job, Lynn. It might be a good idea to post another photo after the wash/blow dry, though, just so we can get the full effect of your talent!! :)

  5. Harriet and Clueless, I am imagining that at 5 or 6 in the morning the two of you are just waking up? That is the time I am on my way to bed. I can't imagine posting a pic of me when I first wake up. No, I like y'all too much to take chances like that with your eyesight. :-)

    Hi, LC. If I have the nerve to post another pic of me, I will do it. My husband and kids like my new hair and couldn't figure out when I went out and got it cut between the time they went to bed last night and when they saw me get up today and so they figured I did it before that and that they had failed to notice. Hee hee. They were surprised that I did it myself, so I'm guessing it looks alright.

  6. Hey gorgeous, long time no see!!
    I think you did an awesome job cutting your hair!
    And I think you're beautiful w/o any make-up.
    In fact, I think we should all declare one day soon "make-up free" day!

  7. Aw. Thank you, Grace, my sweetie. And no make-up days are actually really good things. I have them all the time. I really don't do too much in that area these days except for lipstick. Oh - and if I get a zit then I cover it up. I used to be much more picky and uptight about make-up, but this feels much better to me.

  8. I do not exist at 05:00.

  9. Mago, I heard a rumor that 5:00 is a good time to be asleep.
