Sunday, July 18, 2010

Totally TMI

My period sucks. It just does. Yes, I am extremely grateful that its suckishness is not caused by an actual physical problem, but it still sucks. There are certain places that I cannot stand to have pain, you know? My uterus and my stomach are both on that list of bad places to have pain. And there lies the problem. The only thing I can take for this pain that actually works for me is large doses of Ibuprofen and, though my stomach is basically okay, too, it does not like large doses of Ibuprofen during times of stress and my period causes stress. Can you say catch-22? You know what I figured out tonight when I was trying to get through the pain without making weird sounds that might alarm my family? I figured out that 'cramps' is a shitty way to describe what happens during menstruation. These are not cramps. They are uterine contractions. No wonder they hurt so much. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go have a few beers. My stomach has no issues with beer. Only stress combined with large doses of Ibuprofen.


  1. Have you thought of taking birth control pills continuously without the week off? Then you never get your period. That's what I do - so I never get cramps, rarely get migraines, etc. My doctor recommended it years ago and it's been a lifesaver.

  2. Not having a period sounds good, Harriet, but I'm kind of allergic to unnecessary pills.
