Monday, July 19, 2010

Something has been bugging me. It's a bloggy thing. Actually, it's much more of a survivor community thing. I find myself less and less willing to comment on certain things. There is nothing I can do, really, except for myself. And after having discovered the hard and disgusting truth about how abuse survivors get fucked up WAY WORSE than they already were to start with, I am having trouble hanging with those who perpetuate these popular perversions for themselves and others. And it especially grosses me out when survivors think they are helping each other by supporting the other's destruction and telling them that it's good for them. I know some of it is ignorance, but much of it seems willfull. Anyhow, I figure it's not my job to do anything about this except what I HAVE done, which is to free myself from the parts of 'healing' that actually fuel more destruction.

And now I'm off to do some biz.