Monday, August 6, 2012

The good: My kids can stand up for their rights and boundaries. My mother went on some sort of bizarre Facebook campaign and tried to friend all of the friends of my twin daughters. Why would an estranged grandmother suddenly want a gaggle of teen buddies? I think it's because she is a hopeless and shameless proselytizer. The twins posted on their wall about her and then called her out. She said that she thought the kids were from church. What? We don't go to church so she must mean HER church. Really? She even thought the boy who lives in Europe and the girls who wear hijabs in their photos were from HER christian church? No one who has a PhD can possibly be that fucking stupid. The woman is a freak and NOT in a good way. I am pleased to know that at least my kids are not stupid and that they handled her very efficiently before they even told me what she did. One of them felt a twinge of guilt and of course I told her that she did the right thing in protecting her own space from intruders and that everyone has a right to do that.

The bad: Friday was a flashback fest. I am doing very well in spite of that, but there are still the little twinges of stuff. In all of the chaos of the past few months, I had completely forgotten that August does things to me that can even affect my body. At first I had no idea what was happening when the shit hit the fan. I'm still dealing with it a bit, but nothing like on Friday. You know what else? I am the only person in this house who knows how to empty the little dust bin on the vacuum cleaner and now the fucker is broken. Every time I go down for an extended period, my family ruins things in my house. It is usually the vacuum cleaner, garbage disposal or dishwasher -- which is totally weird because they don't get much use when I'm down compared to when I'm large and in charge. I guess maintenance and proper usage make all the difference and I am the only person here who knows how to not tear shit up.


  1. It feels good when our kids stand up for themselves. Our kids are our pride and joy. I am sorry you are having a rough time.

  2. Appreciating that your kids learned boundaries - obviously from you and not your M. They are the ones will will turn history upside down!

    Our best,
