Sunday, July 8, 2012

Secrecy is proving to be inefficient, so I am blogging my shit. Remember the recent thing I blogged about and could tell nothing except that there are serious and large-scale violations of human rights that I am fighting? It is police brutality that is the issue. My efforts have caused investigations to be launched by both the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and yet this is the email that I sent to my therapist tonight:

Son called. He was calling live from the scene of violence. The worst of the corrupt corrections officers was at it again. He said, with a few other details, "Ma, it's going down RIGHT NOW. And it's the second incident today. He's got a guy down on the ground beating him and kicking him and now the other inmates are going after him. They just called for a lockdown and..." And then the line went dead. I spent forty-five minutes trying to get in touch with someone who could do somethng. Finally, right while I was finishing my report to Back Woods County 911, the lady said, "It just came across my screen that we have an ambulance in route to the prison. There is an officer down." Good. I hope the son of a bitch dies. And now I deal with A's surgery when I don't know when I will hear from my boy again or what is happening to him? Really? I couldn't even eat or shop for food after that call, I'm half bagged now and it's not even 8:00.

Dear Readers, I am thinking my next stop is the American Civil Liberties Union and possibly the news media.

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