Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One Nation Indivisible

Where to begin? So much has been happening inside that it sometimes seems futile to try to keep up on a blog. For starters, the protector has been protecting me by fueling procrastination. First off, I bought him a new truck (with the approval of the inner bookkeeper), then he took to finding every diversion in the book to 'protect' me from doing my taxes. Not that I'm really bitching, mind you. I really did enjoy spending yesterday on the beach with him and the husband all trashed out at the seafood bar under a tiki hut. He's trying to protect me against the inevitable. Procrastination explained. Bless his sweet, sweet heart. I really do love him. Yet... I still must take care of the taxes. Much to his disappointment, I will not be loading up the truck and heading for life off the grid. Maybe the poor dude can just rest for a bit. Until Easter or so.

And when is Easter? Things will be different this year. That bitch (the mother) will not be entering my house AT THE FUCK ALL this year. I swear she will get in here over my dead fucking body. I am an atheist. My husband is an atheist. My children are allowed to explore without undue influence from us or from anyone else and that bitch wants to strong-arm people. My children are FREE and they will remain so as long as I live and breathe. And I don't want that bitch in my house in any case. I will keep her out completely this year. And yes, I will blog it. Success or failure, I will blog it.

I hope long-time readers know I accept people of all (and no) faiths as my friends. Proselytizing is what I take aim at. I don't tolerate it. And that nasty woman will not get past my door this year.

If YOU are Christian and enjoy Easter, then I wish you a wonderful one. I do not confuse you with the mother and her freaky family. I am atheist, but if you are good with me (as is), then I'm good with you, no matter your faith - with one exception. For some reason, I really can't stand Buddhists. Everyone else who is not a proselytizer is cool with me. Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Pagans and Quakers (I especially like Pagans and Quakers), Jews, Muslims and Hindus... I don't give a rat's ass what you believe so long as you don't need me to believe it with you. I AM FREE. And I shall remain so as I give thanks for every drop of blood, sweat and tears ever shed to give me this right. Rest assured, I understand the responsibility that has been given me with this right and I will NEVER take it for granted.


  1. Glad you're doing OK, Lynn! I wondered if new-truck-fever had taken hold of you!! ;)

  2. Being free is what it is all about.

  3. I always fancied being a Buddhist for some reason. I always thought them peaceful people. But ultimately I can't be bothered to invest my time with religion. I do believe in a higher authority though.

  4. Good to learn that Franconian pagans have a place here too. :)

  5. Good and healing thoughts to you.

