Friday, July 2, 2010

Look at this angel. I hope he is still available. I know I have only a photo and a paragraph of information, but there is something very special about him. I can feel it. I could fall head over heels in love with a doggy buddy like this one.


  1. if my labrador, taylor saw this dog in the park, she would bound over, do a big play bow and start bouncing around him, hoping for a chase.

    hope it works out, can't wait for next update

  2. So cute! What big ears he has!

  3. He's adorable, Lynn! He looks like he has some cocker spaniel in him somewhere!! :) Keep us posted!!

  4. he is ADORABLE!!!!!!

  5. LC, I found him on a cocker rescue website. I hope he is still available. I can't even describe what his face does for my heart. I just want to hug him up RIGHT NOW.
