Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pointless. It's all pointless.

I don't remember any dream, just waking up with the pain. I was tired, so I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep. It woke me a second time with more insistence. It was bound and determined to get my attention. And so it did. I should not have pain there. There is no medical reason and I know that. I tried to acknowledge the historical reason and let it be dismissed, but it is a lie. It has to be. The pain and its bogus reason are not mine. They don't belong here. They go to a parallel reality that I learned to ignore, so I pushed that reality away again. Pain remained and so I pushed my body away and it and I fell into a light and restless near-sleep. And in so doing, I inadvertently forfeited some of my control and was subjected to foreign thoughts that are not really my own. Some of the thoughts remembered (or lied about) things that I can already no longer recall. Flares of fear and concern cropped up inside. People asking me to call someone for help. Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do that. That ship has done sailed. I watched it go and I learned things. I learned that talking about things with someone during a crisis cannot help and has a high probability of doing more harm than good.

I mean, really! What could have happened to help the situation had I allowed a phone call to be placed? I don't need anyone to tell me that what is happening is not real. I have already deemed that for myself, even though in a strange way that invalidates parts of me, I might not be quite correct in having done so.

I don't need anyone to tell me to be strong. I already am. It takes the power of Hercules just to force the body to take just one more breath, get out of bed just one more time, put one foot in front of the other just once more and see what happens in the hope that something will be different this time. Yes, I force the death march with all my might and I look back at the end of the day to see that I have only come a few more feet down a path to nowhere and that I crawled to even get that far.

And I certainly don't need anyone to tell me to focus on the present moment because then I would have to buy a gun. So why, then? Why would I call anyone? I wouldn't.

So what did I do? I did what I learned to do. I did the thing I need to do to make sure no one hurts me if something escapes out of the basement and crawls up the stairs looking for help. Of course, I can't tell you all the details of what I did, because I forgot. Yeah, that was part of the lesson I spent my life learning - forget it and move on. The parts I do remember? I remember the alien landscape coming for me. I embraced it because it was better than my present moment. All manner of surreal fantasy paraded through my mind. I was a space traveler. My timing was good. It was sunset. I asked the husband to take me for a drive. The sky. It feeds the dissociation. I disappeared into it to escape the incessant chatter of the husband because it was disturbing my level of involvement with the alien landscape.

The next thing I remember we were sitting in a German restaurant and I was sucking down an Erlanger. That was a long time ago and I've done nothing that I'm aware of since. But at least no one hurt me. No one told me that I'm not real or should be ignored. No one told me not to listen to me or that I shouldn't be paid any mind. No one except for me. I've always been a good student. Now I know why I am allergic to teachers. It's because they want me to die.


  1. How to vanish in bright daylight in front of a crowd of trained observers.
    Will you reappear?

  2. But I don't want you to die! You won't die! You can't!
    I'm so sorry you're hurting so badly. I feel helpless to help you.
    Sending you all of my love....

  3. Feeling like someone despises me and wants me to die cannot make me die. I'm still bugged about yesterday, though. I hate it that I have to live this way. Today was better because there was a dental emergency and Mom Mode took over, tomorrow is anybody's guess, and I don't even want to THINK about tonight.

  4. " If you are bothered right now by some reminiscence, are you not bothered IN THE PRESENT MOMENT? "

    Followed the link to that old post -- I would say there might be at least three possibilities. A person could relive the reminiscence as if it were the present moment, which is false. A person could ignore or push away the reminiscence but that flies in the face of true mindfulness that says not to cling to OR PUSH AWAY any feeling or experience. In the middle is what I think you're getting at -- staying present and mindful enough to know that now is now, which allows you to look at and experience the reminiscence as a true thing but from the past. Does that make sense?

  5. Yes, this makes sense and it is exactly the point I am making in the first link. The concept of mindfulness is perverted by most therapists (and MOST CERTAINLY by the last one). The problem is - knowing this intellectually IS NOT ENOUGH. A whole lifetime of panicking when something comes up that has been forbidden to remember or know comes rushing to the forefront. This is essesntially what PTSD *IS* from this angle of the thing. Also, some things are SO horrible, that even were the knowledge not forbidden, there is no way for a person to deal with it honestly if they must do it alone.

    And then add to that the dissociative disorder. You said, "In the middle is what I think you're getting at -- staying present and mindful enough to know that now is now, which allows you to look at and experience the reminiscence as a true thing but from the past. Does that make sense?" With the dissociative disorder, that is not entirely true because the 'past experience' was never truly experienced because I checked out. There is no way for it to come back without experiencing the fear and the horror that would have been mine had I not 'left' for the incident. And this is why I completely freak out when anyone says anything about mindfulness. It is not possible to 'watch it like a movie' and all the other crap they spout. Knowing intellectually that 'now is now and it's not happening right now' does not stop horror. If I am 'mindful enough' to make it stop horror, then it is because I have dissociated. Again. And then it will keep coming back. Again and again and again. This is probably not going to make sense to anyone who does not suffer from a fairly severe form of dissociative disorder, but it is essentially a catch-22 BECAUSE OF mindfulness. I was fine before that crap hopped on board. I was able to remember and actually live through the horror of it, and only THEN did it truly become the past. Now, when something comes up, I panic and/ or dissociate automatically because being assaulted by mindfulness while in such a state would be another trauma. I can't take any more trauma on board. I'm out of room. This is why I compare mindfulness to Communism. It sounds good on paper, but even unperverted it doesn't practice well with severe dissociative disorder because it IS dissociation. It provides a path to separate the person from their emotional experience (the one that has not happened yet because they were not present for the trauma and that is why it can't play as a past event). Don't worry, I expect absolutely NO ONE to understand. But I am again thinking that it is this bind that will ultimately render therapy unable to provide the path to integration.

  6. So would be "total forgetting" something like a way out?
