Thursday, May 27, 2010

Live From the Ocean Floor


  1. You want oil, you get oil.

    In Europe we had our catastrophes over the last forty aears, environmental desasters of different scales.
    The industry? Shoot them.
    But we generally think that there should be "strong state" - not enough for my likes, but nevertheless something what some Americans spins in outer space.
    Anyway, lets hope that this desaster brings something positive.
    I'd rate as positive when all this blab about responsibility would stop and authority would be introduced. There are rules, just kick them arses and make it happen. But America is so big ... and as long as Joe and John will have enough gas to drive to the burger stand all is well.
    And all that is politics about.

    I am sorry, this is really off topic.

  2. Not off topic at all, Mago. That is why I posted this with no words. Being able to witness this horror gets us thinking and we have GOT to find a better way to maintain our lifestyles. It might be one of the single biggest and most urget challenges facing us all today. If something doesn't change, we will surely poison our own environment. It is already happening and it does us no good to pretend.

  3. Can't see a difference down the ocean.
    What I do not get is why the anger is turned against the president. What do people expect - a damn miracle by him?
    The basical problem is the idea of "state", a centralized authority. But as long as what the Americnas love to call "freedom" is in full swing nothing will change.

  4. Freedom is a very big concern for us, and rightly so, but what some people don't understand is that there is no freedom without responsibility and sometimes we have to make choices. Choices such as which freedom is more important - the freedom to have clean water to drink and unpoisoned food to eat, or the freedom to be robbed by giant monopolies who run wild and trample the ecology with very little regulation to keep things safe. These big entities like to fool the people by fighting sensible regulation and screaming that someone is stepping on freedom when THEY are the ones who are actually doing that very thing and then spinning it. I think an optimally functioing democracy strikes the best balance possible between what you call 'strong state' and those who think people and business ought to be able to do whatever the hell they please. It IS all politics, Mago. It often disgusts me because it feels corrupt. That's why it is rare to see political stuff on this blog and I usually only say something when I feel that something really unfair and/ or dangerous is going on that really puts any notion of balance in peril.

  5. And I'm not sure what is up with the picture we are getting from the video feed. I read that there is no more oil coming out. I think the point was to divert the flow of oil with heavy mud and then pour concrete to seal the holes? Perhaps it is all mud coming out now? I do not know. I guess we will soon have more complete news about what is going on.
