Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's Definitely Summer

I woke up MUCH too early to the sound of a houseful of screeching little kids. I noticed I was cold because someone had cranked the air and I just had a thin sheet covering me. I adjusted the air and grabbed a blanket, but that was too hot. I took some NyQuil. When I woke up again, I could feel that it was definitely totally what I consider 'daytime'. I could feel the dread. The feelings, sounds and kitchen smells of the grandparents' house were waiting for me along with too much to do. I tried to head it off, but the anxiety crawled its way in fairly quickly and I was stricken with the overwhelm. I pulled the sheet over my head, but the hub came in to tell me that the exterminator has not been able to eradicate the massive flea infestation at the yucky, vacant rental. A dirty child barged in to use my shower because her sisters were hogging the other bathroom and my irritated nerves were treated to the shower version of the Star Spangled Banner. Over and over and over. The entire afternoon and evening were wasted on basic mental survival. I need to balance the checkbook, do some more laundry, make the grocery list and do something about my disheveled to-do list which is in a terrible state of disarray and scattered over three different clipboards. I don't know where to start and I'm trying to talk back to the thoughts that are saying, "It doesn't matter where you start. You're doomed." Now I'm sitting here next to the hub and the snoring is unbelievable. I have some fluid trapped in my right ear and I can feel and hear it vibrating with his every breath. I guess I need to go somewhere else before he accidentally inhales me.

1 comment:

  1. i think im doomed. and i think i should shut me up because i dont have anything useful to say.
    but i will always luv u girl - and you will survive. youre a survivor.
    love u always.
