Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's been a bad day. Smells, flashes of the grandparents' house and drifting out above myself. I guess now I know what it was that jolted me this morning? And I have been having thoughts again about quitting with the therapists. I can't get away from thoughts and feelings like: They don't really care, don't like me anyway and would be glad to see me go. They just want me to be a certain way and act as if I feel like everything is alright. They don't understand me anyway and they will never understand.

Now I have to go buy the groceries.


  1. I never felt like most therapists understood me and the one I did have a connection with had fees that were too high for me to be able to continue seeing him. The world of therapy is an imperfect one. We're led to believe that they are somehow superior to us but they're not, they're just people. Which is how the guy that I got along with acted--he was a person like me, who had certain training that might enable him to help me. I hope you can find someone like that. But also as you know, sometimes people like us, who are hypersensitive, perceive everyone as disliking us. Wait until you are out of this mode of thinking a bit to make a decision.

  2. it is all about how caring the therapist is.Mine is a good one and she will be retiring at the end of June.
