Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm not sure why or what's going on, but I'm in a weird spot. I feel like there are two worlds going on at the same time. I live in this one here, where I need to make food and lists, wash children's clothes, and clean things. Then there is this other one. It's very close and it follows me everywhere. I feel as if I might accidentally plunge into it if I move through space too quickly. And I do a little bit. I bump into the skin of the thing and I can feel that alternate reality trying to suck me in, but then I back off and make that world go distant once again. It costs me, though. I get to stay here, but I'm less available here. Less conscious and with diminished focus and abilities because so much of my brain is being used to stay out of that other world. Gravity must be stronger there. It seems that the force of its gravity can leak through the membrane between the worlds. I can still feel its pull. It's not a good world. I don't want it. There is crying coming from there and sometimes it is physically audible to me over here. I don't like that. I want it to go away. I can't let it get me. I can't let my husband see that happen to me again. It scares him and stresses him out and I don't want anything bad to happen to him. I have some tenants to evict from a rental unit anyway and I need my attention for similar other things. Nice enough people, but the combination of being two months behind on the rent and ignoring phone calls just doesn't get it for me. So, I would be totally lost without my clipboard and the lists it holds. My clipboard has once again become an extension of my brain. Did I mention that I once overheard myself described as 'the pushy lady with the clipboard'? Well, that doesn't hurt my feelings. I'd rather be that than be the screaming psycho sobbing in the bedroom closet while reciting my address and the date and noting that the clothes in there are not 'fat clothes' and so they could not possibly belong to the mother. Even having to evict people is better than that. Even so, I am familiar with the pattern of running. At some point I will be too tired and won't be able to go on. Then I will be sucked into that other world, and it will probably, as most times, resolve exactly nothing. One of these days I think I will probably do something to put a permanent end to this. If my father were still alive, I would kill him first. Alas, he is dead, and though there are other responsible parties around, none of them can qualify as a person who needs killin'. Ah, well. Such is life.


  1. hey pushy lady with the clipboard - I like pushiness! There are some people in my life that need some pushing around. But alas, I've not invented that teleporter yet so there's no way for you to hop over here, boss them around and get back to those nasty tenants of yours.

    Seriously, your post reminded me a bit of the wardrobe in Narnia. Getting sucked in and out of alternate realities.

  2. I fantasize about another world too much. Except in my case it's a world I do want to live in. Or be dead in. It's hard to explain.

    I'm sorry your other world is painful and tries to suck you in. How do fantasize about putting a permanent end to it?

  3. Hi, Enola! I truly love my clipboard. And my pushiness. They help get things done - and they also protect from an awful lot of really bad stuff. I can see the relationship between my post and the Narnian Wardrobe. I can totally dig it. It's no mystery anymore why I write novels of time travel and alternate realities. It's not usually welcome info, but I get it.

    Hi, Harriet. A world you want to live in OR be dead in? Believe it or not, I DO understand that. I really fucking do. How do I fantasize? I have a stash of pills, but they are getting a little old and I worry about the efficacy of this plan. Lucky for me (?), I have always been unstable and dissociative, which has protected my current identity. I would not pull up on any 'nutjob list' and would have no problem purchasing a gun. I'm thinking the Magnum .500 as it would leave no room for error. Used to be I would be reluctant to mess up a pretty face, but I frankly don't give a fuck anymore.

  4. I so get what you're saying. Have you ever watched that show "Fringe"? In the show, these FBI agents are working to keep the "evil" from a "parallel universe" from colliding with "our" universe.
    I feel like that a I live in 2 universes and I get "pulled" into the 'evil' one...but I don't want to stay there...Maybe you cld add Fringe to your list...I think you'd like it.

  5. I'll have to check out fringe, Grace.

    NOTE TO SELF: The situation you described in this post? The stuff in the rabbit hole you just crawled out of? Well I'm guessing they go together like peanut butter and jelly. Or maybe like peanut butter and peanut butter. Yeah. I'm thinking that second one.
