Monday, February 2, 2009

Attention all personnel - this is your captain speaking. Report to duty stations immediately. First Officer Spock, please report to the bridge.

Because when it rains, it pours.

I have --

a crucial, high yield building under somewhat serious assault by termites.

a business vehicle down.

a wild week ahead in the markets.

a new virus in the house.

a kid with a science project coming due.

the twins' birthday.

a call into my son's lawyer.

checks to write.

rents to collect.

a messy house.

a headache.



  1. Ahhh!! But you have a LIST as well!!! Lists are good.
    You will have sunshine again soon.

  2. Duck is right - at least you have a list! ;) It will get better, kiddo. Really. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway, and I have been dealing with massive anxiety over my upcoming review.... BUT! There is Tanner video footage now, so I feel better.

  3. You do have a list. Hang in there.

  4. And also the link in your post - a video - isnt coming up.

  5. The list has been a true help, Else. Seems if I have enough things needing attention, the real action can't get going until there is a good list.

    I see the review went well, Lawyerchik. That rocks!

    Thanks, Enola.

    It's been playing for me, K. That used to happen to me a lot when I had Vista, though. I wonder if it's that or if it was some temporary glitch that was okay by the time I checked on it.
