Monday, January 5, 2009

Still pretty sick. A little improved over yesterday, which was total shit, but I still feel like crap. I've hopped around a little looking at blogs. I can't always comment, or even finish reading, but I'm still here. Sort of. I'll be back as soon as I more successfully crash the snot party that is disturbing the peace in a rather outlandish manner inside my skull.


  1. I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. Head colds really suck! I hope you are totally better here soon.

  2. Snotchick,

    someone told me today at work that if you regularly floss you get less colds.

    Have you flossed recently?


  3. Awww Lynn! I'm sorry you're still under the weather.
    I was just wondering... do you tell your therapist how much you love him?

  4. Thanks, RR. I'm on the mend.

    Thanks, Else.

    You have the most fabulous humour! I so love that about you.

    Back in a bit, Else. I'm going to see if I can find a link for you that will answer that.

  5. Aw, poop. I can't find what I'm looking for. My brain is still a little snot-addled.

    Yes, I've told him. He knows that I love him madly (no pun intended). He knows that I wish he were my mother. He knows that he kind of IS my mother. He knows that I sometimes wish he could sleep in my bed with me (not in any dirty way). He knows that I want to hug him up and not let go. He knows. He told me that he cares very much for me, too. I believe him. I felt the truth of it in my body when I DID hug him up. He's a decent and nice person and he cares about me. That makes me feel better. Strangely, it lessens the intensity of the NEED to hug him up. Still, I sometimes feel a little desperate when he's not around. I hope that makes sense.
