Thursday, December 18, 2008

What I'm Doing

I'm in the kitchen, sitting at the table. I'm typing on this here blog and munching sunflower seeds. I love sunflower seeds. I have a few little things left to do before I go to bed. Those few things would probably take about twenty minutes or so. They are the same few things I could have done several hours ago. Yup. I'm fucking around on the Internet to put off going to bed. Still. Again. Unbelievable.

So, there you have it. That's what I'm doing. What are YOU doing? Seriously, what else are you doing right this minute while you are reading this?


  1. Lying on my bed, watching TV; a soap series called Eastenders which plays in the uk.

    And drinking diet pepsi.

    Ben is snuggled in at my side.

  2. Trying to sort out parties and claims and amounts due while I'm drafting a complaint. :)

  3. trying to get my son to stop playing with the internet router because he tends to yank it out of the plug. sitting here in my pjs putting off cleaning my house. again.
