Considering the title, perhaps you can overlook any typos or grammatical errors, hmmm? Or not. Whatev. Anyhoo... maybe things ain't so bad. As some of you already know, I am a reformed lush. Except for this night (and a couple others). And of course, this one right here that I'm typing from.
I'm so over the whole thing with the sister. Sometimes life sucks and that's all there is to that. It is possible that I at least feel good enough to not need to kill Santa again. Eh. I don't know... Maybe stay tuned... (but don't hold your breath, 'cause I'm lazy like that)
Tonight the littlest had a cough she caught from school. Lots of phlegm. Poor kid. It gags her. She came home from the sister's house and she started coughing so hard that she barfed phlegm. She started to cry and said she didn't want to get sick because it would "ruin Christmas" (my family of origin just won't die). I helped her into the shower and assured her that Christmas does not have to be perfect to be good, and neither does she. Sometimes people get sick. Then they get well. That's just the way it is.
The husband and I drank beers tonight after the kids went to bed. He's a lightweight for a big guy. Probably because alcohol has not touched his lips in eleven years. I guess I chose Christmas Eve to contaminate him. Drunk on his ass after two beers. Haha! Yeah. Me, too. Cause I'm a lightweight because I don't weigh anything.
Not quite sure what the point is here, except that maybe I'm just so over the whole family Christmas fiasco. And the husband brought me a really cute Tinkerbell poster. Because he's sweet like that and he notices little things that are really big things in disguise ('cause he loves me and I love him, too). And that's a whole 'nother blog post. It's a Tinkerbell post. Watch for the post about Tinkerbell. I think I love her. :-)
Thanks gods for spellcheck. You're on your own with the grammar. Ha ha - spellcheck let me know that I had misspelled 'grammar'. That tickles me. The rest of the spelling mistakes are intentional (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it).
Merry whatever-it-is-that-you-celebrate.
Tip of the day - drink plenty of water when you are getting bombed and you won't have a hangover. You will pee A LOT, but you won't have a hangover.