Wednesday, July 3, 2013

There are some things that even a brother's suicide cannot change.

My husband called my brother in-law to find out what everyone is doing for the 4th of July. Apparently, they will all be at the home of one of my remaining brothers, the one I feel the closest to. But we have not been invited. I know why. I am, and in most respects always will be, just a little bit too different to be safe company for those who cannot shake off the fog of denial that cloaks the reality of our childhood and its unfortunate results. I'm trying to take this rejection as a positive. Not everything can be so black and white, but I can still bottom-line the thing and it goes like this -- the way I see things protects my own children and so I will not change it. Not for anything. I love them more than I love anyone else. For me, the 4th will truly be about independence. And that's okay.


  1. I understand that. I am that *weird* different too. I haven't tt my brothers in years. July 4th was mt ESF bday. I always play this song as a reminder he's no longer in charge (well, most of the time).
    Thinking of you....

  2. I think you do something very important here: You define - and do not get defined any longer. And in the end that is all is about.

    My English is too poor, sorry. DU setzst die Maßstäbe - und damit gelingt es Dir, das, was man Dir überstülpen will, nicht nur abzulehnen, sondern unwirksam zu machen. Ein riesiger Fortschritt!
    Nein, erlaube Ihnen nichts.
