Thursday, September 8, 2011

NEW Update

The test post I tried to publish several days ago finally posted after I downloaded and opened the Google Chrome browser. Yay!! And thanks to the kind blogger who gave me the tip-off about IE 9 not being Blogger friendly. And also to Mago for his encouragement. He is right and the machines need to do what we tell them to. That is the challenge sometimes, eh?

1. My old laptop is kaput and so I have this new one. It will take me a while to get everything into it that I need because I am very, very busy right now. Also, I lost my history and favorite places and all of that, so I am having a hard time finding all of the blogs of my buddies. :-(
If you know I read you, please leave a comment so I will have your link. (Except for you, Grace. My heart always finds you, my BFF sweetie. We could never lose you no matter what.)

2. I am still struggling with my youngest daughter's transition to middle school. Tonight ended in a tantrum for her. The kind where the child drops to the floor and throws a fit. She does not like having so many different teachers and so much homework. The entire family is trying very hard to help her adjust. Her big sisters really went the extra mile for her tonight, too. And yet the child is very unhappy and stressed. I'm worried and yet trying to play cool and confident for her sake. I'm not always successful in my play-acting, but I just want my kid to be happy and okay. Please hope with me for this child. Surely this is a transitional issue?

3. Wednesday was very busy with the kids and their stuff and I am still behind on everything else. Go figure, right?

4. The bright spot? My therapist gave me the recording he made of the rest of the storybook that he began reading to the little in his office. I cannot begin to explain what that means to me. I have been sucking it up like a thirsty person in a desert and perhaps that is how I am able to deal with the all of the chaos with which I have been presented.

5. I'm going to bed soon. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I sure hope it's something good. Like some calm and order or some shit like that. That would be good.


  1. Your life sounds very busy, but productive. Rest for now.

  2. Glad to see you back! I hope your daughter can come to terms with the new school. There will always be changes, alterations, variations in life. Children see them as something threatening, something bad that changes their safe situation. Maybe talking, explaining things, putting them in relation, showing connections and a plan can help. Like lifting your kid up on one's shoulders and showing how things look from "up there" - and of course it is helpful to get on one's knees and f.e. look at the own appartement from the hight of a six year old.
    Sleep well.

  3. Oh man, I have nightmares about my laptop going kaput. I just reformatted my hard drive and that was traumatic enough even with being able to back things up first. Glad you're back up and running!

  4. Finding u back...(((my heart-Lynn)))

  5. I hope calm and order finds its way to you also...
