Friday, July 9, 2010

Transforming Anxiety into Action

I had a big panic attack yesterday when I added up all the recent expenses around here and compared them to recent income. Summer is tough like that around here because business slows down and expenses increase. I know summer is but a season, but I still do not like this situation and no one can predict too much about the future of any business right now. Between the recession (which is not over) and the oil spill possibly keeping some of our customers from returning in the fall, we don't know for sure how much income levels will recover later in the year. So... I figured that left me with two choices. I could either just hope for the best and freak out all over the place, or... I could address the situation head on without blinking and not let anxiety interfere. Guess which one I chose? That's right, I chose the second one. I came up with a couple of ideas for the hub to implement in his business and we brainstormed them for maximum efficiency. Procrastination is out and the new business model goes into effect tomorrow. I have also rearranged one certain aspect of our financial lives and the ball is already rolling there. Last, but not least, I have located a few items of wasteful spending and brought the hammer down on them. I am excited about this new situation because we still have a rental vacancy (we just finished fixing it up) and yet our expenses are now much more appropriate to our current income. When the vacancy is filled and if business picks up in fall as we hope, I will be feeling even more secure and competent in my abilities, my foresight and the action I took to preserve, protect and grow and I will enjoy seeing the fruits of this labor (which will be earmarked as working capital). Problem solved. I can quit spazzing now. Perhaps anxiety is sometimes the spark that lights a fire under a person's feet and calls them to action. Sheesh. I should work for the government. They need me. Because I'm good at touring the facilities and picking up slack. :-)


  1. youre too honest to work for the government!
    YAY YOU! for your ability to focus and overcome the anxiety!

  2. Sounds like you got things under control.

  3. I've been crying over my financial situation and the stresses of trying to be able to relocate.
    I hope you're okay with my still communicating with you even though I have spiritual beliefs. I saw the icon about this being a non-theist blog and being something of an agnostic mystic, atheists tend to hate me as much as christians do.

  4. I could never hate you, Lily. I don't hate on account of differing spiritual beliefs. The bullshit I ban in the sidebar is not belief, it is proselytizing. You are always welcome here. I like you.

    I can certainly understand crying over a frustrating financial situation. I've done that before. Sometimes I cry when I do my taxes. For real. And you should have seen me last night. You would have thought I was about to either lose my mind or have a freakin' heart attack or both. I know that reaction was a bit drastic, but I get scared about messing up the finances due to my uh... mentalism. The very thought can make me panic.

  5. Love the video. Smart, capable, unflinching women rule!

  6. Good for you, Lynn!! Way to go! :) I hope that the new business plan works beyond your expectations!!

  7. well done!

    don't they say courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the ability to move forward in spite of it?
