Thursday, July 22, 2010


Tuesday night I went to sleep a few hours earlier than usual. Last night I went to sleep a half-hour earlier than that, even. I've still been having some anxiety at night, but not the dread that has consistently surrounded sleep for so long. Something is changing. Finally. I'm doing my best to work with it and try to take advantage of it, but I must remind myself that this is a transition and such things are not easy. The main trade off so far has been less total hours of sleep. Getting just shy of six hours of sleep is not quite enough for me and that is all I've had the last two nights. I got very sleepy yesterday afternoon, but did not take a nap. Perhaps I will try to nap a bit now while it's early and stands less chance of screwing up what time I might go to bed tonight. This is the best I have felt in quite some time. Though transition can provoke a certain amount of anxiety, it's not the same thing as the stark terror that used to threaten me all the time. And yeah, I do know why things are improving, and no, it's nothing from any pill bottle, but that's a whole 'nother blog post.

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