Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lazy Numbered Post

1. I am still, in spite of one bad night, relatively okay.

2. I missed therapy Tuesday night on account of sudden, vicious weather that flooded the streets and killed visibility. I miss New Guy, but I'm still okay.

3. I just read one of those 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger' posts. I personally believe (bolstered by recent revelations) that this is bullshit designed by people who just simply NEED to believe that to uphold the status quo. Some things that don't kill you can actually make you weaker and leave you scrambling for ways to survive.

4. My 'proof' for item #3? I have absolutely no interest in pursuing a career in mental health and I have no need to otherwise save the world. Because I don't buy the bullshit. I am more interested in my own little corner of this particular orb and what I can do to foster the healthy support of the lives I am directly responsible for - those of me and my children. And I still reduce, reuse and recycle and I do not litter and I teach my children the joy of the same. Being 'selfish' makes me revere the environment that gives life to all.

5. I live in the suburbs and right this minute I am extremely annoyed and I wonder what it would sound like to live somewhere where there is not the constant sound of mowers, blowers, edgers, etc. Jesus H. My neighbors need to get a fucking life already.

6. I have long suspected that the unofficial Florida state motto should be 'PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRASS'. People need to get a grip. Seriously. Before I lose it and choke someone.


  1. Im glad you're relatively ok, despite a bad night and no therapy...i know its hard. I couldnt agree more on #3! I hate that! as well as, "everything happens for a reason" complete BS!
    But I adore you and your honesty.

  2. I bought noise cancelling headphones since my neighbourhood has had construction noise for three years running, right near where I live. They're expensive but so worth it. Now I can sit in my back yard and enjoy the artificially induced but still quite convincing quiet, but without the complete blocking of earplugs. Keeps my startle reflex down to a dull roar.
