For taxation purposes, rental income is considered 'passive'. Like I'm some kind of rich fat cat just because I actually own something. Well, guess what? There ain't nothing 'passive' about having to take care of the shit when a tenant leaves with unpaid bills, a big pile of garbage on the side of the house, a very expensive and time-consuming backyard jungle hidden behind a privacy fence, the whole place reeking of dog piss from the carpet they made disgusting, a massive flea infestation, an unreported broken dishwasher that was left to mildew and now contains MAGGOTS... Oh, but you know us landlords. We're just a bunch a lazy, rich motherfuckers who pay everyone else's bills. This guy is SO going to be served with a lawsuit. I can't wait to slap it on him. I want that judgement a matter of public record so it will hound him everywhere he goes. Like the smell of dog piss. What a worthless fucking slob.
Do you really want to know why I am being taxed unfairly? It's because I'm responsible. I am paying extra taxes for being responsible. I am taxed unfairly for being frugal, shunning the use of excessive credit, living below my means so I can save up investment capital so I may better care for myself and my family. Way to go US government! Way to encourage slovenliness! Will you ever change? Somehow I doubt it. So I am making a plan and I am going to find a freakin' lawyer who can help me outsmart you. I have to deal with MAGGOTS. Literally. And I'm not going to let you charge me for it. The party's over.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
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