Saturday, July 25, 2009


I dreamed of the teenage girl. She was a student at Trump Towers where Donald Trump was presiding over some kind of educational program. She had been affected by some heinous action of his and she began talking about it. I knew she was talking a little bit too much and a little bit too loud. Being older and 'wiser' than she, I also knew that such things are generally not well received. I tried to talk to her about that in the nicest way possible. It was then that I discovered she could not hear me. I was but a ghost following her around. Mr. Trump got wind of her very vocal complaints, and he threw her out of the program at Trump Towers. He was quite upset and practically chased her out of there. I followed alongside and was wondering if there was any way to patch up the problem and salvage the girl's opportunity, but... no one could hear me. It was then that we passed a doctor in surgical scrubs coming out of what appeared to be an operating room. Then I became uncomfortable and was eager to match the girl's swift pace to exit the building. There was a car waiting outside. The girl and I got in the backseat and the driver sped away. The girl began to scream and wail and she said she was going to throw herself from the car. She reached for the door and I started screaming for the driver to slow the car because the girl was going to jump. Then I woke up.


  1. That does sound like a scary dream and it has so much content in it. Could make for some very good therapy.

    Hope your not scared any more. I have found the good part about scary dreams is when you wake up and realize it is just a dream.

    Also speaking of nightmares. Donald Trump's hair style is enough to make any dream a night mare!

    Take care of your self


  2. Yes, Tony. That hair is truly awful. I'm not so much scared anymore as I am sad.

  3. ooo. i dislike climactic wake ups. Makes me all nervous and edgy for days. Hope the anxiety doesnt get you :(

  4. I think the girl should have whipped off Trumps toupe.
