Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Road Back to Okay (I Hope)

1. Tell the husband everything
2. Take an anti-anxiety pill
3. Get out of the house
4. Eat ice cream
5. Take a nap
6. Put the laptop back on the kitchen table


  1. I'm catching up a bit late it seems... I'm so glad you've made an action plan.
    All of those things seem like steps in the right direction.

  2. And... it's a list. :-)
    And I did all of that stuff Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday I will post whatever I do as well.

  3. Good things, Lynn. I especially like #s 3 and 4....and 5.

  4. Now I have a craving for ice cream! Even though it's snowing. :)

  5. Good work, Lynn! Thanks for the update. Still sending all the feel-good vibes I can!
