Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My unconscious is tugging at my heartstrings and trying to pull me out of the sky. It's a pain in my ass.

After a week-long, depression-induced marathon of sleeping, some of which even took place at night, it's after 4 AM and I don't want to go to bed yet. I guess it's because I need to write this and share it with my {{{{innernets}}}}. I spoke with the beloved Dream Mother. As I feared, he has a family situation which seems like it will separate us a bit for a short time. He has had to postpone his vacation, as he kind of has his hands full. He is not seeing clients until Feb. 4, but he offered to speak with me anyway, even to schedule our regular appointments. Because I am mostly okay, we have scheduled for the 4th. Because he is sweet, he told me that his time is somewhat flexible under the current circumstance and if I need him before then, he will be able to schedule something. And yes, I will contact him if I have an emergency. After I spoke with him, I took a shower. It smelled like a good idea since I had not showered all weekend. Yeah, I was smelly. Afterward I slept a bit more. I dreamed. I emailed. And now I'm telling all of you.

Dear (Dream Mother),

I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but I can't resist sharing something with you. I showered and then slept some more after we spoke. I dreamed about you in two separate dreams. You were not the mother, you were yourself. In the first dream we were speaking on the phone and you told me you love me.

In the second dream, you lived here in FL. I stopped by to see you. You were home, but you were very busy and could not talk to me. I heard your voice, though. It carried through the house. I ended up chatting with your wife for a little while. Little children were playing and running all around us as we spoke. One of them asked if I was the woman you had been angry with on some past occasion. Strangely, this did not feel upsetting to me as it might sound that it would. Your wife showed me some of the house and I told her that I was surprised to see which house was yours because it turned out to be the one that I had rented for myself when I first moved to FL and that I had since sold it twice as the listing agent and now it is yours. I was both astonished and pleased by the coincidence. I told her how much I had enjoyed the house and how it had so comfortingly sheltered me when I lived there. I asked her to please call me if you decided to sell it because I might want to buy it and live there again and would want to know very quickly before someone else could buy it first. This house does not exist in reality as I stayed with my sister and then in a condo when I first arrived here, but I do understand the significance. Further, your house was next to a river. I went with your wife in a jeep to drive the lanes by the river. The river was high and some water seemed to have come over the banks to flood the sidewalk. It seemed remarkably clean for river water. I imagined people might want to walk barefoot through it. Sections of the sidewalk formed enclosed square walkways around some very pretty greenery. They were several bushes and they were one to a square. I want to say they were bushes that more resembled very small trees, but without so many branches. In any case, they were green and sparsely dotted with tiny flowers. They were beautiful. For some reason I thought they smelled of honeysuckle. The most surprising and striking part was the large and beautiful white flowers that adorned their tops. They seemed a little out of place, but they looked perfect. Almost too perfect. I woke up then. I have seen these same flowering bushes before in another recent dream, but I don't recall the dream, only the flora.

I have two basic thoughts about these dreams:

1. I am okay right now and I will wait until you can receive visitors. The sidewalk by the river is a nice enough place, but I will probably keep my shoes on.

2. I love you too. Very, very much.


In the dream, he told me he loves me. In reality, he gave me something that I am experiencing as him being kind and loving toward me.

In the dream, he was home but not really available. I could hear his voice. In reality, he is otherwise occupied, but he is still here with me.

In the dream, I had rented that house and then sold it TWICE as the listing agent. I feel this is significant. In reality, he is sort of a 'rent-a-mom'. I had no home (inner shelter) of my own, so I rented his and he was very kind and generous. Then... things got a bit strange. First I 'sold' the shelter to the Little Girl. Then to the Teenage Girl. Then, when he messed up with her, I turned into... a vicious and angry sort who picked a fight at every turn. Until there was repair on a sincere and deeply emotional level. I think the repair is reflected in the dream by me not being frightened or alarmed in the face of the question asked by one of the children. I am encouraged by the fact that I did not feel distress in the dream until I thought of the possibility of not being able to buy space in the house. The only thing that really bothers me is that my unconscious seems to be telling me that I still need space there or I will be outside and still not be at home.

I understand some about the area down by the river, too. I don't want to, but I do. Those bushes are me. They are divided and isolated from one another. They seemed mostly healthy, but they were not fully mature specimens. Maybe they were if they were bushes. If they were supposed to be trees, then that's not good. I think the big white flowers at the top (head or face) might have been fake. Even if they were not, though they were strikingly beautiful, something disturbs me about them. Maybe they represent my ability to 'put a face on'.

The river is my unconscious. I'm not sure what to think of the water on the sidewalk. Tired now. I guess I'll go.


  1. I liked your dream.

    I hope you slept well again.


  2. Thanks, K. I actually did manage a really good sleep. I slept like a dead thing. It was nice. I managed to get some work done, too, but best of all - it was an *incredible* day in the markets! A total hit for me. I'm loaded up for the next go, too. I hope it's good.

  3. I'm pretty fascinated by your take on the bushes... undergrown or somehow stunted and sporting beautiful but fake flowers on top...
    Sounds like a pretty intensely symbolic dream when all is said and done.
    I'm glad you are feeling more secure about having a place in the home of the dream mother.

  4. What an interesting dream and it seemed positive for the most part. I amazed at your ability to interpret it so well.

  5. I'm not really sure I feel more secure about it, Else. After all, I did end up outside. I'm still not quite sure about all the elements of this dream.

    Thanks, Tamara. I still feel like I don't have really complete info on this one, but I did get quite a bit of it.

  6. This strikes me a wish fulfillment dream Lynn. The part about visiting this persons house and whilst there hearing his voice but not seeing him. then meeting his wife and going through the house with children there and all.

    Sounds all like a bit of domestic bliss which it seems any young child would crave for.

    Also it seems the electra complex is not currently a happening thing. I don't know if it ever has been but it could be a sign of a maturing relationship with this man


  7. I don't know, Sunny Graffiti. You could be partly right in that there is a wish to be close to the therapist. That is most certainly very true, even though I also wish for that to feel ONLY like a wish and NOT like a need. I guess I am sometimes made uncomfortable by the feeling that it is a need.

    I guess there were a couple of things I forgot to mention about the dream. I often dream of my therapist surrounded by children, but they are not HIS children. They are mine. They are my own 'inner children'. I don't know if you already figured that or not. Sometimes I feel jealous of him because I want the children with me instead of with him since they ARE me. Then sometimes I feel jealous of the children because I want the therapist in the way that they have him.

    I don't think there is electra here in the classic sense (and I think Freud sold out to the establishment, too). Though he is 'mother', the therapist is genderless to me. He has been effectively neutered. As odd as that is, I'm afraid that is what makes him safe and desirable to me. I guess if I ever need another therapist, I should look for a (male) gay one just to speed things up. :-)

    Also, as to the domestic bliss... seems one of the things I left out of my account of the dream was the nature of the therapist's voice as it carried through the house. It was an angry voice. Strange that I had no feelings about that when there were children all around. It would upset me very much if someone had a loud and angry voice around children in real life. It would have me lashing out verbally at that person and chastising them to defend the children.

    And you know what else? I'm very glad you commented and I attempted to answer. I know why I am depressed now. Thank you, my sweet Graffiti friend.

